Friday, November 2, 2007

Week 9: October 29 - November 2

This week's memory verse: Luke 2:52 "And Jesus grew in wisdom, and stature and in favor with God and men."
(Same verse as last week because there was no adventure club last week, so we stayed on the same lesson.)

U.S. History: This is not really the year that we will be studying U.S. History as a regular subject, but we are making it an occasional study. This will be a fairly long project I think. We will be memorizing the meaning of the pledge of allegiance. Here I've written the whole thing out.

I Pledge Allegiance - I Promise to be faithful and true (Promise my loyalty)
to the flag, to the emblem that stands for and represents
of the United States all 50 states, each of them individual, and individually represented on the flag
of America yet formed into a UNION of one Nation.
and to the Republic - And I also pledge my loyalty to the Government that is itself a Republic, a form of government where the PEOPLE are sovereign,
for which it stands, this government also being represented by the Flag to which I promise loyalty.
one Nation under God, These 50 individual states are united as a single Republic under the Divine providence of God, "our most powerful resource" (according to the words of President Eisenhower)
Indivisible, and can not be separated. (This part of the original version of the pledge was written just 50 years after the beginning of the Civil War and demonstrates the unity sought in the years after that divisive period in our history)
with Liberty The people of this Nation being afforded the freedom to pursue "life, liberty, and happiness",
and Justice And each person entitled to be treated justly, fairly, and according to proper law and principle,
for All. And these principles afforded to EVERY AMERICAN, regardless of race, religion, color, creed, or any other criteria. Just as the flag represents 50 individual states that can not be divided or separated, this Nation represents millions of people who can not be separated or divided.

History: The Indus Valley People c2500BC - 1500BC

Mapping the Indus Valley in South Asia

food, crafts, trade and the city of Mohenjo-daro. Here, Noah is working with cotton. He learned that the Indus Valley farmers were the first people to grow cotton and weave it into cloth.

The end of a civilization


This week in Science: Breathing

Breathing in water: fish and how their gills function

Breathing in water and on land: amphibians

How the lungs work to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide

How insects breathe: through holes in their bodies


1 comment:

Jayme said...

What a rich curriculum! I love reading about what Noah is working on...