Friday, November 16, 2007

Week 11: November 12 - 16

Bible: Review of the last three weeks

The Three Wise Men
Jesus Grows Up
John the Baptist

Noah said his favorite verse was Luke 2:52 "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men," because it shows Jesus was a boy like him!

This week in science: Animal Senses
*Hearing in bats and dolphins

How insects compound lenses work.

*Nocturnal animals - how can they see in the dark?

*Eye position and field of vision

Here is another link for amazing facts

History and Geography : The Minoans: c2500BC-1450BC
Mapping Crete

The legend of King Minos: According to Greek legend, the god Zeus fell in love with a beautiful princess called Europa. He turned himself into a bull and swam to Crete with the princess on his back. King Minos of Crete was one of Princess Europa's sons. The Minoans take their name from King Minos who ruled the island.

The legend of the Minotaur: half man, half bull the Minotaur was to have lived in a huge maze under the palace at Knossos. A young Greek prince called Theseus set out to kill it. King Minos' daughter gave the young prince a magic sword and a ball of thread. Theseus unwound the thread as he went deeper into the maze, leaving a trail behind him. After killing the Minotaur, he followed the thread back to the outside world.

Life on Crete
*Travel and Trade
*Writing: Linear A

The end of the Minoans: possibly a natural disaster weakened the land and the people and left them compromised making it easier for the invading Mycenaeans from Greece to conquer them. They never recovered and eventually died out.


ART: Fresco
We studied the wall paintings of the Minoans and then Noah painted his own Fresco

I spread spackling on a sheet of paper and had Noah paint with watercolor while the spackling was still damp. When it dried, we had a beautiful stiff fish Fresco.
Below it : more Minoan art

Math: Reviewing single digit addition & subtraction
Identifying and making patterns

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