- spelling 15 minutes per day
- reading 30 minutes
- formal grammar 20-30 minutes per day
- memory work 10 minutes per day
- read fun books 30-60 minutes per day
- continue penmanship
- working on longer letters to friends and family, once a week
- beginning creative writing
- book reports
learning a concept or doing a drill 40 - 60 minutes a day
- multiplication tables 7-12
- roman numerals
- adding/carrying with large numbers
- subtracting/borrowing with large numbers
- rounding
History - Late Renaissance - early modern times (1600-1850) - 3 hours a week
-reading history books to the child
-assigning easy biographies
-making a history notebook
-List of historical topics to cover:
the Mayflower
early American settlements
Russia under Peter the Great and his successors
Prussia in the eighteenth century
the Enlightenment
the agricultural revolution
Native American cultures
the British in India
the French Revolution
British-French conflict in Canada
the American Revolution
the Napoleonic Wars
the industrial revolution
Simon Bolivar's fight for independence in South America
the siege of the Alamo
the California gold rush
Australia's beginnings as a penal colony
-List of great men and women to cover:
Mary Stuart Queen of Scots
Tokugawa Ieyasu
James I of England
Queen Nzinga of Angola
Shah Jahan
Oliver Cromwell
Charles I
John Milton
Robert Boyle
Louis XIV of France
Isaac Newton
William Penn
Peter I (Peter the Great)
Johann Sebastian Bach
Frederick William I (Frederick the Great)
Benjamin Franklin
Maria Theresa
Catherine the Great
George Washington
Franz Joseph Haydn
Thomas Jefferson
Betsy Ross
Phyllis Wheatley
Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
George III of England
Eli Whitney
Captain James Cook
Ldwig van Beethoven
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
Simon Bolivar
Shaka Zulu
Nat Turner
Science: basic chemistry twice a week 60-90 minutes each session
Latin: memorize vocabulary; study daily
Religion: learning about world religions through the study of history and our family's faith during family time - at least 15-20 minutes daily.
Art: at least 1 hour per week doing picture study and art projects
Music: spending 1 hour per week listening to classical music and studying a composer
Piano lessons
U.S. History: Studying the Presidents and the beginning of our country