Friday, October 12, 2007

Week 6: October 8-12

This week's Bible Lesson is Review:
The Angel and Mary
Jesus is born
Shepherds visit

Noah's favorie verse was Luke 1:31 because, "Mary was having baby Jesus." So he drew a picture of Mary with the little baby in her tummy.

Monday was a light day, most of which was spent outside exploring nature. Noah began a leaf collection, although it doesn't really feel like fall with the 90 degree temperatures and the extremely high humidity. Even now as I type, it is beginning to rain so maybe we'll get a little relief.

Tuesday - in Noah's class during mom's group, he learned about airplanes and how to make them out of paper. Now we have a paper airplane fleet!

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - a blur of days. This has been a light week academically. We did have a field trip on Thursday. We went with four other homeschooling families to a pumpkin patch. You can read about the day on butterfly kisses - October 11.

This week in Science: Moving on Land
We read about how animals move on land, creeping, crawling, running - Noah does a really good caterpillar - and then we found this little guy out on the patio. We watched him for awhile and then let him go on his way. It was nice of him to stop by today, it fit in so well with the lesson!

1 comment:

Jayme said...

Wow, that's a big, fat, fuzzy guy!! I'm surprised Noah didn't mind the prickly crawling on his hand...