Monday, April 14, 2008

Week 33: April 14 - 18


Introduction to story problems with addition:

David ate 6 pieces of candy. His dad said, "No more!" How much candy did David eat?
___ + ___ = ___

Marissa bought 3 red pencils and 2 green pencils. How many pencils did she buy?

There are 5 girls and 1 boy in Jenna's family. How many children are there altogether?

Noah has 3 model cars. He wants to have cars. How many more cars does he want?


History/Geography South America c200BC - AD500
The People of Ancient Peru
Mapping Peru
Foods - making a Peruvian dinner
gods and gold

Science  Plant Food/ plant sensitivity



Art/Music  Renoir

Language (Spelling and Grammar)

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